About us

Welcome to Justice IMUN

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Core Values

With the help of our team, we've successfully crafted the most revolutionary MUN structure in all of Azerbaijan. Find the pillars of our events below.


No matter where you go, you will not see a Justice IMUN conference worse than the last. Absorb, process, integrate.


We acknowledge our mistakes as much as our successes. Delegates will always be in the know. Real conferences, real professionalism.


Our team is committed to providing an environment for self-improvement. The only change attendees will see is a positive one.


Whoever the person, whatever their position and wherever their origin, our staff will never fail to show respect and understanding to attendees.


Justice IMUN is only worked on by trained staff; delegates will interact with professionals of the highest degree.


Our team brings you the best of the best. We work towards an impeccable product that displays real effort and dedication.


The ones who made it happen.